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Create, Manage, Send and Store NDAs in seconds securely and with ease.

Why choose us

Fast & Simple

Standardized mutual non-disclosure agreement crafted by Reed Smith LLP for simplicity

Secure & Immutable

Immutable on-chain signatures from both parties for compliance and validity

Track Progress

Intuitive dashboard to track and manage NDAs, with the ability to nudge those that haven't signed


Easily share and catalog for both personal and organizational access to review agreements

Create an NDA in less than 60 seconds

Our 3 step process makes sending an NDA faster and easier than ever. Answer as little as 4 questions to generate and send an NDA in less than 60 seconds. It’s that simple.
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Manage & Track Documents

Easily share NDAs with clients and manage all your agreements from one place. Keep track of who has signed and streamline your workflow with our user-friendly interface.
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Immutable Storage On-Chain

Completed contracts are encrypted and permanently stored on-chain with its version history and cryptographic signatures, forever.
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Your questions, answered!

What is

Yes you do! In order to connect your account to Social Connect, you'll need to convert your Instagram into either a business or creator account.

How Works?

All creator or business accounts will need to have a Facebook page associated to it.

Is this Safe to use?

There is no minimum amount of followers required to share your insights. Ideally, to make the insights more insightful, we recommend aiming for 1,000 followers. 

How much cost?

Through your Social Connect account, you’ll be able to manage which brand is able to access your insights. You’ll also be able to disconnect your insights anytime you like. 

Can i invite my client form here?

Only after you grant permission, the brand will be able to see your Audience Insights which you can find within your Instagram account. We also provide a snapshot of your data your sharing within your Social Connect account. 

Who can access my Instagram data?

Only the brands who you specifically give permission to. No other brand will be able to see your audience insights unless you provide them with your permission. 

How do you handle my personal data? Do you have access to my password?

The Social Connect app securely connects directly to Facebook in order to retrieve these insights. This ensures that all your insight data is stored via Facebook platform and not directly on Social Connect. 

Could this have a negative impact on my reach on Instagram?

This will definitely have no impact whatsoever on your reach on Instagram. The Social Connect app simply is a ‘read only’ which means we have no control over posts or stories. 

Will you be able to post posts on behalf of my account or make any other actions such as comments?

Similar to what was mentioned above. The Social Connect is ‘read only’, which essentially means we will never be able to do any actions such as posting or commenting on behalf of your Instagram account.

What will you Social Connect do with my data after I connect my Instagram account?

We will only share your post and audience insights to brands that you have given permission to. 

Why should I use Social Connect and not just send a screenshot?

Social Connect makes your life 
easier, more secure and trustworthy for both parties. Sending screenshots can be time consuming, however Social Connect leads to more successful collaborations between you and the brand.